Latest News from Premier Energy

Tips to stay safe and avoid utility strikes post Covid 19 lockdown!
What happened during UK lockdown? According to information published by the Energy Networks Association there has been a welcome reduction in third party damage to buried electricity cables. This is in part due to the UK lockdown impacting construction sites with excavations limited and overall activity decreased. As you would expect less excavation = less […]
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The hidden cost of utility strikes
Many people are aware of the legislation surrounding safe excavation, underpinned by the requirement to have a comprehensive and up to date set of utility records available to site staff when they are excavating. But we still hear lots of stories of utility strikes associated with an absence of any records…. What is often overlooked […]
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The Benefits of PALM 128 compared to a CAD Plan or a Utility Survey
What is the PALM 128? The PALM 128 (Premier Asset Layered Map) is a Premier Energy trademarked product. The PALM is an exact replication of all information from utility asset records showing plant location, as well as details of pipe sizes, direction of flows, chambers etc. The PALM is referenced to OS MasterMap, and by […]
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