Latest News from Premier Energy

Highways UK 2018

On 7th and 8th November, the Utility Searches and PALM team at Premier Energy exhibited at Highways UK at the NEC in Birmingham. The show is for the people and organisations involved in the planning, designing, building, operating and future-proofing of the UK’s road network. We’d just like to thank everyone that attended Highways UK and everyone that took […]

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Home Builders Federation

We are pleased to announce we are now an Associate Member of the Home Builders Federation. The Home Builders Federation (HBF) is a body that represents the home building industry in England and Wales. The HBF’s member firms account for some 80% of all new homes built in England and Wales in any one year. […]

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Existing utilities – guidance on the costs and constraints

Are you planning a new housing development, considering alternative routes for new infrastructure works or deciding whether to purchase a plot of land?

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Feedback on our services and products

We have been attempting to receive feedback on our products and services we offer. This is because we continually strive to present health and safety and utility asset information in the clearest way possible. The feedback we have been receiving is highly valued as it helps develop our products and services to deliver the best […]

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Planning and costing utility works

There is little doubt that utilities feature on many project risk registers. However, our experience is that these are often identified and considered far too late in the day, when despite mitigating actions, some timeline or cost impact is almost unavoidable. At Premier Energy we see this time and time again where assumptions, or at […]

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Dropped kerbs and vehicle crossovers

So you are planning to build a new vehicle access to your property to get your car off the road, a process often described as a crossover or dropped kerb application. Not only is there lots of paperwork, correspondence with the council and the small matter of appointing a reputable contractor, but you also face […]

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